Optimax Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
Board Election Information

Director (including independent director) election method
The company's articles of association stipulate that the company has nine to thirteen directors, of which the number of independent directors shall not be less than three and shall not be less than one-fifth of the number of directors. The election of all directors adopts the candidate nomination system. According to the provisions of Article 192-1 of the Law, the term of office is three years and may be re-elected. When the term of office expires and it is too late to be re-elected, the period for performing duties shall be extended until the time of re-election. However, the competent authority may order the company to re-elect within a limited period of time; those who do not re-elect within the time limit shall of course be dismissed when the time limit expires. The total number of registered shares of the company held by all directors shall be in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Director (including independent director) election process
The term of office of the company's current directors (including independent directors) is three years from August 27, 2010 to August 26, 2013.
The qualifications for nominees for directors (including independent directors) of the company have been approved by the company's board of directors on May 6, 2011.
In accordance with the company's articles of association and Article 192-1 of the Company Law, the company's directors (including independent directors) adopt a nomination system for candidates, and on August 27, 2011, the shareholders' general meeting fully re-elected twelve directors (including three independent directors) .

Independent director election results
The results of the election of independent directors of the company's regular shareholders' meeting on August 27, 2011 are as follows:
job title Name Elected weight
independent director Guo Hetian 139,395,938
independent director Gu Zenggui 138,274,954
independent director Zhao Min 137,145,694

On June 23, 2011, the company held a by-election of an independent director at the shareholders' regular meeting. The results of the election are as follows:
job title Name Elected weight
independent director Huang Xin 88,333,648
Note: The qualifications for independent director nominees have been passed by the resolution of the company's board meeting on May 12, 2011。