Optimax Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
internal audit

The company's internal audit organizational unit is the audit office, which is subordinate to the board of directors.
The internal audit system is to strengthen the connection and coordination of various departments, and to reflect the differences in the implementation of rules and regulations at any time, and to introduce the track of expected goals, so as to exert the multiplier effect of enterprise integration。

Audit work includes:
1.plan review。
2.Project check。
3.Tracking and checking。

Internal Audit Organization and Operation:
1.Formulate and implement the annual audit plan: plan and implement the annual audit plan, and issue an audit report in accordance with the company's "Internal Control System", "Audit Unit Personnel Setup and Responsibilities" and relevant laws and regulations。
2.Drafting and execution of special audits: according to the instructions of the board of directors or its authorized person, implement special audits. Formulate and implement the annual audit plan, draw up the annual audit plan at the end of each year, and implement it according to the plan after being approved by the board of directors。
3.Reporting and communication to the board of directors, audit committee and independent directors: regular reports in routine board meetings and monthly reports to independent directors, quarterly and when necessary, reporting to the chairman and the audit committee on the status of audit work。
4.Deficiency tracking and management: regular tracking of internal deficiencies found in internal audits and improvement of abnormal matters。