Environmental Sustainability Policy

Quality Policy

Environmental Safety and Health Policy
The company adheres to the Business Philosophy of respecting life. While developing product technology and manufacturing, it deeply understands the importance of labor health and sustainable development. It fulfills its social responsibilities for the operation of environmental management and safety and health management systems. , is the company's operators and all colleagues unanimously follow the direction, and specially formulate and guarantee the following environmental and safety health policies:

Environmental policy, cherish resources, reduce waste and save energy, abide by environmental protection

Cherish resources

Through education and training, internal and external communication, and continuous implementation of environmental protection promotion to employees, all colleagues will understand the importance of environmental protection, while saving energy, recycling or reusing materials, so as to cherish limited resources and benefit the environment。

Waste reduction and energy saving

Integrate the environmental management system in the business operation, adopt appropriate production or pollution prevention methods, promote waste reduction, recycling, energy saving plans, and make good use of conservation resources in order to effectively use energy resources or reduce pollution caused in product activities and service processes environmental impact。

Abide by environmental protection

Establish a legal and effective environmental management system, through the PDCA cycle, as a benchmark for correction, prevention and continuous improvement to meet or exceed the requirements of government environmental protection laws and related regulations, fulfill corporate social responsibilities, maintain a safe and healthy living environment, and ensure that the company will never continued development。

Safety and health policy ~ safety first, hazard prevention, sustainable development

To achieve this goal, we commit to

1.Comply with the government's labor safety and health regulations and customer requirements for prohibited substances。

2.Comply with safety discipline, especially supervisors should lead by example and fulfill their supervisory duties。

3.Regularly audit and improve non-conformities, implement tracking and continuous improvement to improve safety and health performance。

4.Promote various training and activities related to safety, hygiene and health promotion, and implement full participation。

5.Establish and maintain a documentation system for the effective operation and execution of the management system。

6.Provide appropriate protective measures, equipment or work controls to reduce the risk of workplace hazards such as electrical, entanglement, harmful substances and fire。